Organização Cultural de Defesa da Cidadania - Entidade Apartidária

terça-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2014

EGG OF COLUMBUS PLAN ("Plano Ovo de Colombo")

Egg of Columbus - Ibiza, Spain.

EGG OF COLUMBUS PLAN ("Plano Ovo de Colombo")

Plan of Full Employment (on basis of Keynes, Minsky and Wray)
Or: The Economical Egg of Columbus (reviewed in May-22-2017)

By Cacildo Marques - Sao Paulo

Regular employees (system of two journeys):

1* The time-tables of work are from 6h20 to 13h and from 13h to 19h40, for industry, farms and services.
2* Each 5 job positions (5x8h) passes to 6 (6x6h40=40h); the increase of job positions is at least of 20%.
3* Employment of extra-hour is prohibited, except in the Christmas months: November and December.
4* Employee who gets in the justice the precedent regime works the remainder 1h20 in the contra-shift, as an exception.
5* Trade union that moves action against the "Egg" Plan must be alerted that it will shrink, by lack of strategic vision.
6* The new wage, for 6h40, cannot be reduced, because from Monday to Saturday we have 40h of job. (*)
7* In the reduction from 44h to 40h, one has not wage reduction, unconstitutional, but increase of hourly wage.
8* In this reduction to 40h, who will pay the 1/11 added to the value of the wage? Answer: the productivity (GNP).
9* The monthly minimal wage for the 6h40 has to be maintained equal on the precedent minimal wage, of 8 h.
10* Among the firms with 60 or more employees (5 dz), the first half to join gains fiscal incentives for 2 years.(**)
11* In new federal law, employers must be released of labour responsibilities on employees in military service.
12* Commercial enterprise that joins is prevented of attending at the Sunday after 13h, except drugstore on duty.
13* In school of full time the teacher works one shift; other is of "trainers": of trades, of sports, of arts...
14* Dismissal is substituted for reallocation, public system what the enterprise resorts to in period of notice.
15* Job of young persons from 16 to 18 years will be demanded, with reduction of theft of cell phone, by unemployed.
16* The GNP increases, with more employees and production, besides the time-table from 8h to 17h for 6h20 to 19h.
17* The traffic in the great cities gains a great relief, because of the division of the shifts. (***)
18* The "animal spirit" of business is activated by a government action, not by run to the gold or impulse abroad.
19* If energy or labour are not sufficient in the beginning, this is a sign of promise, not of curse.
20'* The program does not bring inflation, because inflation is monetary expansion above the expansion of the product.
21* The Phillips curve, bonding job and inflation, was an attempt of restoring the pre-1929 classical economy.
22*The automation of the work allows to maintain 100 % of the EAP hired, without necessity of any more labour.


1* LRE: They who remain unemployed are employed through the Last Resource Employment.
2* In the LRE (or ELI: Employment of Last Instance), the contract is three days weekly, from 6h20 to 13 h.
3* Half of the LREs (Last Resource Employees) works Mon/Tue/Wed, and another half works Thu/Fri/Sat.
4* The fired ones of the regular employment system are reallocated as a last resource for the EUR.
5* The Federative Unity creates his program of LRE and invites all of the municipal authorities to create theirs also.
6* The LREs receive half a minimal wage monthly, accomplishing three days of work of 6 h and the days of courses.
7* The LREs who work Mon/Tue/Wed do workmanship course Thu/Fri/Sat, and vice-versa.
8* In the the social security, the LREs pay their part, the public power pays the employer's quota., on the minimal wage.
9* The LREs are provisional employees of the Civil Service, in special regime.
10* The LREs hired in the state service, in the next year work in the municipal service, and vice-versa.
11* The LREs need to be necessarily of age.
12* The LREs are obliged opening hand of any financial government benefit, like scholarship or pensions.
13* The LREs can exercise detached paid works ("beaks", in Brazil) out of the time-tables of the LRE system.
14* The coordinators of teams of EURs are also EURs, but they gain pro-labore of 10 %.
15* The instructors of workmanship of the LREs are hired also as LREs, but can receive bigger wage (up to 1 m. w.).
16* The instructors teach workmanship, entrepreneurism and techniques for dealing with cooperatives of production.
17* The instructors take charge of doing campaign against the prejudice of manual labour, the ergophobia.
18* For joining the LRE, the citizen must be a resident for at least TWO years in the Federative Unity.
19* On the contrary of what Wray thinks, is not necessary the seigniorage of the currency for introducing the LRE.
20* The LRE system is permanent (J. M. Keynes), not only for times of crisis.
21* The general offices of work have the task of making easy the passage of LREs for the regular employment system.
22* The govern spreads monthly the EAP Occupation Rate (more transparent than unemployment rate).

Occupations of the LREs:

1 - painting of tree trunks
2 - help for older people in crossings
3 - cleaning of streams
4 - destruction of spraying
5 - painting of viaducts
6 - watching of public areas
7 - watching of public parkings
8 - extern watchman of in-out of school
9 - restoration of window panes of school buildings
10 - repair of school desks
11 - guide of tourism
12 - environmental guide
13 - supervisor against illegal occupations
14 - deliverer of pamphlets of civic campaigns
15 - home hunter of unemployed people

(*) In the reduction from 44h to 40h, we have an increase of hourly wage, with the objective of livening up the hired ones. The employers must be urged not doing purely Taylorists estimations in this hour, because the new productivity surpasses any negative preoccupation.
(**) Incentives only for enterprises that increase the employees' number.
(***) Besides the growth of the GNP and best "flushness" in the trafic, it is necessary to observe: a) increase of collection of taxes, b) reduction of the criminality, c) boost of education, d) retraction in the usage of narcotics, e) fall of the inadimplence, f) fall of the index of suicides, g) reduction of the waste with health, h) strongness of the HDI.
- One applyies first the plan on two cities, no "conurbed" and neighbor to a metropolis (e. g., Jacarei and Indaiatuba).
- All the residents who are 16 or more are subscritped at the General System of Employment, fired or not.
- The end of slavery depended on the law only; the end of unemployment depends on constant action of the Executive.
- If other FUs and the federation adopt the model, this country is the first market economy to abolish unemployment.
- Since society allotted the fields, impeded man of surviving by extractivism, from there, unemployment is madness.
- The "reserve army of unemployed" is not a necessity of the capital, but a fault of the market, today curable.
- The contract of the ELRs has the nature of a contract of schollarship, of professional qualaifying.
- Firms and employees that adopt the Egg Plan form a system in which one exclude the figure of the fire.
- The academy rejects to reduce journey for creating employments because before the division in two turns was not made.
- The way for increasing the state collection is to enlarge the level of employment.
- The return of the investment is safe, according to the multiplyer of employment, by Keynes.
- With the gain proofed, one warrantyies in law the veto to the returning of the status quo.
- The saboters talk about "intervention of State", while Keynes ever spoke in "investment".
- Saboters also attibuted the keynesian full employment of 1944 in the USA to "war effort".
- The Theory of Employment by Keynes is like the public transport of Pascal: acess for all.
- Problem: In Social Sciences, the lay opinion is so venered as the proofed result.
- It is necessary to surprise the incredulous ones.

Compromissos de Haddad no Parque 02-10-14