Organização Cultural de Defesa da Cidadania - Entidade Apartidária

segunda-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2015

On the advantages of there being a prime minister

Prime minister Winston Churchill

On the advantages of there being a prime minister

By Cacildo Marques - Sao Paulo

    A) President. The president starts to suffer less pressure, like Thomas Jefferson wanted. The existent presidential system is not what Jefferson designed, when he defined that the president would be a leader to represent the federation, served by a very small body of officials, delegating the function of governing for the governors. It is not at random that up to today the position of bigger distinction among the assistants of the president of the USA is that of Secretary of State, position occupied originally by Jefferson himself, in the presidency George Washington. What was developed, in practice, is this presidential system concentrating and suffocating, in what the chief of State accumulates also the role of chief of government. In the United States, of four original desks it went on to a number of fifteen. Every president, however, in the remainder republics of America, is helped by a Secretary of Government, or, if they are Ministers, by a Minister-chief of the Civil House, but this one does not divide with the president the task of directing the country, since he has not the deserved distinction among the holders of the desks of government. To nominate this assistant how Prime minister means to relieve the president of the weight of carrying alone the responsibility of the leadership of the country, besides correcting the perversion that the pragmatism created on the formulation of Jefferson. (In the USA, the desk more similar to that of a secretary of government is the Secretary of the Interior, without demerit for the Secretary of State, which will never lose his importance.)

    B) Crisis. In the moments of untenable difficulty for a government, the Prime minister is substituted, without there being break in the driving of the State. Then he can, in harmony with the president, touch the remainder of the ministry, giving a new configuration to the ruling staff. Differently of what it takes place in the traditional parliamentarism, together the nomination of the Prime minister, there is nominated the first Vice-Premier and the second Vice-Premier, like guarantee of not debauchery of the parliament, of quadrennial legislature.

    C) Transition. The institution of the position of prime minister pays attention to a popular demand, once informal inquiries show that more than 80 % of the citizens want that there is a prime minister (the question on preference for the parliamentarism is impertinent, something how to ask someone if he prefers Gluck or Grieg, for the people know the work, but not the names). The steps for the transition of the degenerated presidential system for the Soft Parliamentarism are the next ones:
      (1) The Secretary of Government - Minister of the Civil House - is the first one to be indicated by the president;
      (2) The Minister-chief of the Civil House becomes a Prime minister, or Premier;
      (3) The Minister-chief, now Premier, helps the president in the choice of the other Ministers;
      (4) The Premier accumulates the position of presidential spokesman, to gain exhibition;
     (5) The Premier is a member of the party with bigger number of chairs in the House of the Representatives when of the oath;
      (6) The Premier cannot have been a president of party in the last four years before the indication;
      (7) Besides the Ministry of the Civil House (or of Government), of the Premier, there must be only more nine ministries;
      (8) Of the ten Ministers, half must be from the Technical Elite and half, from the Classic Elite; *
      (9) The Ministry of the Civil House can accumulate the area of Science-technology, if it is not in the Education;
      (10) Desks: Finance, Industry, Government, Transport, Foreign, Education, Justice, Agriculture, Defense, Health. **

    D) Stay. With the figure of the Prime minister answering for the ordinary demands of the government, the president is preserved, released of involvement with contractors or other commercial interests. He is also free of the involvement with party interests, and he can, inclusive, disaffiliating of party at the moment of the oath, starting to represent all of the political tendencies of the country.

    E) Agreement. With the Prime minister chosen inside the team of the party who gains the biggest number of chairs in the House of the Representatives, the voter is sure that he will be governed by the party that has gained the elections, politically. In case of great party pulverization, it is prudent sets up the Prize of the Majority, in which the party that does absolute majority starts to occupy half of the chairs more one. In order that not to be needed to reach this mechanism, it is necessary to work so that the very number of parties with representation in the parliament does not pass of nine (when numbered from 1 to 9). As for the nations of single party system, for having a healthy dispute to the parliament, they can adopt the sub-lemmas, according to the proposal of Luis Vicente Varela, of 1870, dividing the party in three tendencies.

      (*) Technical Elite: professionals of exact sciences and technology; Classic Elite: Professionals of biomedical sciences and humanities.
      (**) The areas of Planning, Energy, Communications, Labour, Environment and Welfare are, respectively, in the ministries of Finance, Industry, Transport, Justice, Defense and Health. Commercial culture, Commercial Sport, Tourism and Mines keep the desk of Industry, while Educative Culture is in the Education. Interior, Housing, Cities and Social Promotion are in the Justice.


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